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Infobest Romania

Str. Simion Bărnuțiu 13, et. 1 și 2, Timisoara
Infobest is a leading provider of end-to-end software development services to small, medium and large businesses across Europe. We are helping our customers grow by designing, implementing, testing, and maintaining high-quality software solutions for their business needs. At Infobest, we invest in talent. Each team features its own unique blend of skills, personality, and amazing passion for our work. Dedication, involvement, and an equal focus on both customer and employee satisfaction define us. Our outstanding track record of successfully delivered projects for different industries has given us a profound understanding of many business processes and environments. We combine our experience with proven standards and methodologies, applied to ensure that our services are delivered on time, within agreed budgets and up to the highest quality standards. Our mission is to help companies grow with the support of our software development services and to deliver intelligent solutions and maximum business value to our customers. We are doing this by developing, implementing and maintaining high-quality software solutions for their business needs. Our values are focused on customer and employee satisfaction. We love what we do, and we are good at it!

Facultati vizate

Automatica si Calculatoare
Electronica Telecomunicatii si Tehnologii Informationale
Inginerie Electrica si energetica
Stiintele Comunicarii
Inginerie din Hunedoara
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Oferte de carieră

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Automatica si Calculatoare
Infobest România este o companie de outsourcing din Timișoara, care oferă servicii complete de Software Development, Software Testing și Customer Support, companiilor din întreaga Europă. Află mai multe despre noi aici. 
Zilele Carierei este un eveniment bianual organizat de Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara prin CCOC - Centrul de Consiliere și Orientare în Carieră din UPT.Ajuns la a 25-a ediție, Zilele Carierei a devenit cel mai mare târg universitar de joburi din vestul țării.Ediția din aceastî toamnă va găzdui 40 de firme de top, fiecare gata să intercționeze cu studenți sau absolvenți interesați de locuri de practică sau de muncă din domen...
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