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Joyson Safety Systems

Joyson Safety Systems is one of the world's leading manufacturers in automotive safety systems with a turnover of around 4.8 bilion euros and more than 50,000 staff globally. At Joyson Safety Systems, we are strongly committed to innovation and progress. As a reliable and competent partner in the automotive industry, we develop and produce automotive safety systems and components that are used in vehicles worldwide. Our product portfolio consists of steering wheels, airbags and inflators, seat belts, plastic technical components, child restraint systems, electronic devices and sensors. We supply our products to nearly all major motor vehicle manufacturers around the world.

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Automatica si Calculatoare
Electronica Telecomunicatii si Tehnologii Informationale
Inginerie Electrica si energetica
Joyson Safety Systems
Joyson Safety Systems

Oferte de carieră

Zilele Carierei este un eveniment bianual organizat de Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara prin CCOC - Centrul de Consiliere și Orientare în Carieră din UPT.Ajuns la a 25-a ediție, Zilele Carierei a devenit cel mai mare târg universitar de joburi din vestul țării.Ediția din aceastî toamnă va găzdui 40 de firme de top, fiecare gata să intercționeze cu studenți sau absolvenți interesați de locuri de practică sau de muncă din domen...
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