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Newpharma Development

We create Digital Smart Value for Health & Wellbeing Newpharma Development is the technology company that builds and manages the digital platforms of one of the largest and best performing online pharmacy networks in Western Europe, Newpharma. Through the platforms we develop, millions of European citizens have access to fast, secure and fair-priced access to quality products and services to effectively care for the health and well-being of their families. Our purpose is to creat a strong community of programmers and we are constantly investing in workshops, academies, labs or internships: - Specific DevOPS activities; - Programmers in web technologies; Emerging technologies: blockchain, RPA, Low code/No code. Visiting us at Zilele Carierei you will gain insight into the latest tools and technologies offered by Newpharma Development and discover how these solutions can advance your career paths. Many other surprises await you!

Facultati vizate

Automatică și Calculatoare
Electronica Telecomunicații și Tehnologii Informaționale

Oferte de carieră

Zilele Carierei este un eveniment bianual organizat de Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara prin CCOC - Centrul de Consiliere și Orientare în Carieră din UPT.Ajuns la a 25-a ediție, Zilele Carierei a devenit cel mai mare târg universitar de joburi din vestul țării.Ediția din aceastî toamnă va găzdui 40 de firme de top, fiecare gata să intercționeze cu studenți sau absolvenți interesați de locuri de practică sau de muncă din domen...
Ce sunt Zilele Carierei?
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