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Software Support Specialist with German knowledge m/f/d

Full time » altele in Timisoara


  • Technische Kundenbetreuung unserer ATOSS-Lösung per Telefon, E-Mail und Fernwartung
  • Aufnehmen der Anfragen, Analyse und Anbieten von Lösungen für unsere Kunden
  • Beantwortung von Fragen zu unserer Software direkt, als auch über unser Ticket-System
  • Beratung unserer Kunden bei der Umsetzung personalwirtschaftlicher Prozesse
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Beratern und der Entwicklungsabteilung
  • Erarbeitung und Testen von entsprechenden Lösungen
  • Dokumentation der durchgeführten Tätigkeiten in unserem Ticket-System


  • Abgeschlossene Ausbildung, idealerweise im IT-Bereich
  • Kunden- und serviceorientiertes Arbeiten und Teamfähigkeit
  • Ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeiten
  • Gutes technisches Verständnis
  • Gute Englischkenntnisse
  • Gute Deutschkenntnisse

We offer:

  • Onboarding: HR Induction, Newbies-Day, Training for our internal products & Buddy-Program
  • Benefits: meal vouchers, performance bonus, recommendation bonus, voluntary company bonus, free parking at our VOX Technology Park location in Timisoara, Bookster for bookworms, gaming rooms & rooftop access in Timisoara
  • Company culture: 23 vacations days from start, Diversity & Inclusion Team – culture talks, company event (Halloween/Christmas/ Summer party, team buildings), Barista corner in Timisoara, fresh fruit & sweets day after every release cycle, relocation package for those who wish to move to Timisoara/Sibiu
  • Career and development: career model with Expert- & Leadership Track, LinkedIn Learning, German language course if department requires, Java and Scrum certifications
  • Health Initiatives: medical subscription with a national-wide medical provider, 7Card for fitness activities, Timotion & Spartan sponsors
  • Security and Stability: Stock exchange presence in the German SDax & TecDax, over 30% EBIT-Marge, Scale-up, 18 years with record sales and earnings, visibility, future product
  • 2 locations in Romania: TIMISOARA – VOX Technology Park | Calea Torontalului nr 69 | building B and SIBIU Str. Nicolaus Olahus | No.5 | Business Center Sibiu | Building B | Ground Floor
  • Standard contract: CIM

ATOSS Software

VOX Technology Park | Calea Torontalului | Nr 69 | 300668 | Timisoara | Romania | Corp B, Timisoara
With our software products, we digitize workforce planning and workforce deployment processes in companies and thus improve the work-life balance for millions of employees worldwide. We enable companies to involve their employees in these processes and better take their wishes into account when organizing working time. In this way, we help companies work more creatively, intelligently, and humanely, revolutionizing the interplay between profitability and humanity. Cross-industry, in more than 50 countries, cloud-based. And we are successful. Our share price has grown by more than 1,000% over the last ten years. Become part of this success story!

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Cloud Engineer with German knowledge m/f/d
Zilele Carierei este un eveniment bianual organizat de Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara prin CCOC - Centrul de Consiliere și Orientare în Carieră din UPT.Ajuns la a 25-a ediție, Zilele Carierei a devenit cel mai mare târg universitar de joburi din vestul țării.Ediția din aceastî toamnă va găzdui 40 de firme de top, fiecare gata să intercționeze cu studenți sau absolvenți interesați de locuri de practică sau de muncă din domen...
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